Hello, Empty Universe.

“Make it your purpose to be present, and destiny will reveal itself in every moment.”

Mario Valeco

There is nothing to get. This site is not a guide to finding something that you lack, for there is nothing that is missing. I am not a teacher or a guru, and I do not claim to know something that you do not. Instead, I hope to provide a reflection of the truth that lies within us all.

I have no intention to provide absolute answers or to claim a comprehensive understanding of truth. Instead, it is encouraged that you to question your thoughts and beliefs, and see reality, unclouded by the veil of illusion.

The words put forth through poetry offer a vivid depiction of reality, as perceived by these eyes. These words and illustrations serve as artistic expressions of truth, pointing towards something beyond comprehension.

There is no gate to pass through, no path to follow, everything has always been as is – a singular-functioning that is manifest without context. All that appears to happen is this functioning, including the thought “I Am.” Once seen for what it is, you see that you are not, and that you have never been.

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